Yvonne McLeod

For North Carolina House District 25

Yvonne Mobile Hero

Yvonne McLeod

for North Carolina House District 25

Vote for Yvonne McLeod

Election Day is Tuesday, March 5th

Polls are open Tuesday, March 5 from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM.

Remember Photo ID is required this year

Find your polling location using this website https://vt.ncsbe.gov/PPLkup/

If you know your precinct here is a link to the polling locations in Nash County https://www.nashcountync.gov/440/Polling-Places

Precise and Hard Working

Yvonne McLeod is running for North Carolina House District 25. She is a rock-solid conservative and fierce advocate for North Carolina families.


Yvonne McLeod On The Issues



Yvonne McLeod is committed to lowering the cost of living by passing tax reform that benefits and invests in North Carolina's seniors now and in the future.



Yvonne McLeod believes public school education and curriculum should focus on the teaching of math, science, and reading, and not on gender identity politics.



America must honor our veterans by providing them a world-class healthcare through a stronger NC Dept. of Military & Veterans Affairs.



Yvonne McLeod believes North Carolina's healthcare system can be made stronger by passing tort reform and holding big pharma accountable.

Yvonne McLeod for NC House District 25

Pro-North Carolina

Yvonne McLeod is committed to market-based, conservative solutions that promote individual freedom, economic growth, and limited government.

Yvonne McLeod believes that free market principles are essential for creating a vibrant and prosperous North Carolina and will continue to advocate for policies that empower individuals and businesses to succeed. Whether it's promoting tax cuts, reducing government regulations, or expanding access to quality healthcare, Yvonne McLeod remains steadfast in my commitment to conservative solutions that put the needs of the North Carolina families first.

"I wholeheartedly support Yvonne McLeod..."

"I wholeheartedly support Yvonne McLeod for the North Carolina House District 25 seat that I held for eight years. She firmly believes in government that serves the people rather than dictates to the people. She was a tireless worker in my campaign and will work the same way for the benefit of the people of North Carolina House District 25. She has my enthusiastic support."

Jeff Collins
Jeff Collins
Former State Representative
Yvonne McLeod for North Carolina House District 25

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